IMPORTANT: Once the SUBMIT button below is selected, the action cannot be undone. Please read below for payment requirements with online applications. If payment is to be made any other way, please use the 'Print-and-Mail' option found above. Please also use it when submitting applications to your employer for manual payment.
**Please Note**
Payment must accompany this application.
Once the application has been submitted, be sure to complete the payment process
by clicking the PAY NOW button below.
Applications received without payment will greatly delay the approval process
and are subject to rejection.
Payment must accompany this application.
Once the application has been submitted, be sure to complete the payment process
by clicking the PAY NOW button below.
Applications received without payment will greatly delay the approval process
and are subject to rejection.
Qualifications for Membership
ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: The Active Membership shall consist of individuals who are engaged in the science of forensic identification, crime detection, and scientific examination of physical evidence as well as, heads of Police Departments, and Sheriff’s; provided that the foregoing persons are bona fide employees of, and who receive salaries from National, State, County, or Municipal governments, or of some subdivision thereof, and private forensic laboratories employed by companies who investigate criminal activity. Active members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position so long as they remain in good standing.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: All reputable persons, fully or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of forensic identification and investigation and scientific examination of physical evidence who are not qualified for Active Membership, are hereby eligible to become Associate members, including college students who are studying for a career in law enforcement or forensics. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules, fees, and charges.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: All reputable persons, fully or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of forensic identification and investigation and scientific examination of physical evidence who are not qualified for Active Membership, are hereby eligible to become Associate members, including college students who are studying for a career in law enforcement or forensics. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules, fees, and charges.