Minnesota Division of the International Association for Identification
Section1. The Name of the association shall the “Minnesota Division of the International Association for Identification”. The MNIAI shall be a non-profit organization in the State of Minnesota. The Association was formed to pursue the objectives set forth in its Constitution and By-Laws. The current objectives shall be:
(a) To associate persons who are actively engaged in the profession of identification investigation and scientific examination of physical evidence in an organized body so that the profession in all of its branches may be standardized and effectively and scientifically practiced.
(b) To encourage the enlargement and improvement of the science of forensic identification and crime detection.
(c) To encourage research work in scientific crime detection.
(d) To keep its members appraised of the latest techniques and discoveries in forensic identification and crime detection.
(e) To employ the collective wisdom of the profession to advance the scientific techniques of forensic identification and crime detection.
(f) To provide training, education and the publication of information in all forensic disciplines as represented by this association, crime scene processing and detection.
Section 1. Membership categories shall consist of Active, Life Active, Associate and Student. The application procedures for membership shall conform to the provisions as set forth in the By-Laws.
The Active Membership shall consist of the individuals who are engaged in the science of forensic identification, crime detection, and scientific examination of physical evidence as well as, heads of Police Departments, and Sheriff’s; provided that the foregoing persons are bona fide employees of, and who receive salaries from National, State, County, or Municipal governments, or of some subdivision thereof, and private forensic laboratories employed by companies who investigate criminal activity. Active members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position so long as they remain in good standing.
All reputable persons, fully or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of forensic identification and investigation and scientific examination of physical evidence who are not qualified for Active Membership, are hereby eligible to become Associate members, including college students who are studying for a career in law enforcement or forensics. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules, fees, and charges.
Section 4. LIFE ACTIVE
LIFE Active membership shall consist of MNIAI members who have paid their membership dues for 15 consecutive years, or a retired member who pays dues for 10 years, or a combination of active membership and retired membership totaling 25 years. They shall forever be exempt from the payment of dues and assessments.
Section 5. Only Active and Life Active members in good standing shall be eligible to become officers of this Association.
Section 1. The Officers of the Association:
(a) President;
(b) First Vice President;
(c) Second Vice-President;
(d) Third Vice-President;
(e) Secretary-Treasurer;
(f) Media Editor;
(g) Sergeant-at-Arms;
(h) Historian;
(i) IAI Regional Division Representative.
Section 2. All the foregoing officers shall be elected at the Annual Conference.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the President between conferences, the 1st Vice President who shall hold the office until the Annual Conference will fill such vacancy. All other Vice Presidents will move up in succession. The President will fill other Board vacancies, by appointment, until the Annual Conference.
Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall consist of the eight elected officers and the past president as chairperson. All of whom shall be elected at the Annual Conference except the chairperson and IAI Regional Division Representative.
Section 2. The Immediate Past President shall become the ninth member of the Board and the Immediate Past President shall serve as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall be entitled to vote as a member.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy occurring among the Board of Directors between the Annual Conferences, the President shall fill such vacancy and the newly appointed member of the Board shall hold office until the next Annual Conference.
Section 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Board of Directors in attendance at the Annual Conference. The duties of this Committee shall be to receive recommendations from any member as to the names of proposed candidates for election. After considering the names of proposed candidates, the Nominating Committee shall make its recommendations at the Annual Conference. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude the nomination for office of any eligible member from the floor.
Section 2. The Membership Committee shall consist of three (3) Board members. Simple majority shall pass on eligibility.
Section 3. The auditing Committee shall consist of three (3) members of the MNIAI whose duty shall be to audit and inspect the financial accounts of the Association during the Annual Fall Conference, or at such other times as may be directed by the President or Board of Directors. The Committee shall report to the Association at the Annual Conference.
Section 4. The Conference Committee shall consist of the President and three (3) members of the MNIAI whose duties shall be to define the perimeter of and to establish the contents of the Annual Conference.
Section 5. Special committees or subcommittees will be formed as deem necessary by the President or Chairperson of the Board. All special committees or subcommittees will be dissolved at the end of their term of appointment (maximum of one year), or by the person who created them.
Section 1. The President shall be the principle executive officer and shall supervise and control the management of the MNIAI in conformance with the Constitution and By- Laws. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and preserve order and decorum. The President shall supervise the affairs of the Association and labor for usefulness and efficiency. The President shall appoint all standing and special committees as provided for in this Constitution and By- Laws. The President shall fill, by appointment, all vacancies, including Board vacancies and committee chairpersons as caused by death, resignation, or other causes, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall represent the MNIAI at all functions requiring official representation unless otherwise designated by the President.
Section 2. The President can call a special meeting at any time in the event of an emergency or in the interest of the whole organization. He/she may likewise call a Directors meeting.
Section 3. The Division Charter will remain in the custody of the President during his or her term of office and will be prominently displayed during any official business meetings.
Section 4. The President shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may be described by the Board of Directors from time to time.
Section 1. The First Vice President shall act as presiding officer of the Association during the temporary absence or disability of the President, and the Second and Third Vice President shall move up in succession.
Section 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records and minutes of the Association, receive all moneys due, and keep a just and accurate account between the Association and its members.
Section 2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall issue to each member upon payment of dues and assessments, a membership card.
Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall draw all warrants and checks for expenses of the Association and shall sign the same.
Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive for personal expenses $600.00 per year and any other sums, which the Board of Directors shall deem warranted.
Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit at the Annual Conference a detailed report of receipts and disbursements and account balances.
Section 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be Secretary of the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 7. The Board of Directors must approve expenses entailed in carrying on the business of the Association, unless the sum is under $500.00, in which event the approval of the Board is not necessary.
Section 8. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a full and accurate account of the proceedings of the Annual Conference business meeting.
Section 9. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the Division webmaster abreast of any and all changes and/or additions needed for inclusion on the Division web site.
Section 1. The Media Editor shall receive all articles and items of interest pertinent to the identification, forensics and investigation profession, edit them when necessary, and prepare them for inclusion on the Association’s website or in other publications or media produced by the MNIAI. He or she shall secure such other beneficial publicity for the organization as may be in his or her power, solicitation of advertisements, and perform such duties as may be designated by the Association and conform to the provisions of the By-Laws.
Section 1. The Sergeant-at-Arms will have command of the outer door of the Annual Conference Hall, and will permit none to enter who is not properly registered and/or qualified. He will assist the President in preserving order and will perform such other duties as the President and Board of Directors will direct.
Section 1. Requirements and duties are described in the By-Laws of the International Association for Identification, Article XIV, Section 14.05.
Section 2. The Minnesota Division IAI Representative shall act in an advisory capacity and assist the (IAI) President, other officers and IAI Board of Directors. He or she shall act in advisory capacity to MNIAI President and the MNIAI Board of Directors. The elected MNIAI Board of Directors has the capacity to grant voting rights to the IAI (MNIAI) Division Representative as an ad-hoc official on the MNIAI Board of Directors.
Section 3. Appointment of IAI Regional Division Representative. MNIAI President and Board of Directors will forward their recommendation for Representative to newly elected IAI President for approval annually.
Section 4. Representative shall receive applications for membership of the IAI and MNIAI from Secretary-Treasurer and review and conduct investigation of applicant’s character and qualifications for membership in conformation with IAI and MNIAI Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 5. To conduct inquiries and investigations of MNIAI membership ethics violation or misconduct as deemed necessary by MNIAI Board of Directors and report in writing the results of the investigation to MNIAI Board of Directors.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall act as an advisory committee to the President
and shall assist in selecting the place and dates of all Conferences and provide all members with at least thirty days’ notice thereof.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall approve the program of activities of all Conferences and shall have control of the affairs of the Association during its recess.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall have the power to try any member or officer of the Association upon any charge affecting his honor or conduct unbecoming a member or an officer, provided the charge is made in writing and signed by the person making said charge. The Board of Directors shall have the power, after a hearing upon said charge and providing the accused is found guilty by a majority vote, to expel, suspend, censure or admonish such member or officer.
Section 4. Any written charge or charges against any member or officer shall first be placed in the hands of the President, who shall within thirty days lay the matter before the Board of Directors for consideration. The Chairman of the Board shall thereupon send a copy of said charge or charges to the accused by registered mail and the accused shall have thirty days in which to answer in writing such charge or charges. Failure to answer such charge within the time prescribed shall be deemed a confession of the truth and the Board of Directors may act thereupon accordingly.
Section 5. After due consideration of the evidence at hand, the Board of Directors shall within thirty days arrive at a decision and notify all persons concerned in writing of said decision.
Section 6. In the event the judgment of the Board of Directors is averse to the accused, the accused shall have the right to appeal the decision of said Board to the membership of the Association at the next Conference. The finding and order of the Board shall become final unless the Board is overruled by a majority vote of the members present and voting.
Section 1. All Elections shall be by ballot at the Annual Conference and the majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect any candidate.
Section 2. If more than two candidates are nominated, the name of the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped on each succeeding ballot until two names remain, unless on any ballot one candidate shall receive a majority of all votes cast, in which event that candidate shall be declared elected.
Section 3. All members are entitled to the floor of the Annual Conference or other deliberative assemblies of said Annual Conference or the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The presiding officer will be guided by the Manual of Robert Rule of Order (revised) and the order of the proceedings shall be as follows with the presiding office eliminating sections of this order as necessary. (Example; Invocation, Address of Welcome, Response Address of Welcome, Tribute to Deceased Members may be done at the start of the Annual Conference and not the Business Meeting and Elections.)
a. Calling the meeting to order.
b. Invocation.
c. Addresses of Welcome.
d. Response Addresses of Welcome.
e. Tribute to Deceased Members.
f. Reading of Presidential Address.
g. Appointment of Committees.
h. Presentation of Addresses and Papers.
i. Unfinished Business.
j. Report of Secretary-Treasurer.
k. Report of Committees.
l. Other Reports.
m. New Business.
n. Election of Officers.
o. Adjournment.
Section 1. Any motion to change the Constitution of this Association must be presented in writing to the members at least 30 days prior to the Annual Conference. The proposed changes must then be approved by the majority vote at the Annual Conference. If so approved, the changes go into effect at the conclusion of the Annual Conference.
Section 1. In the event that this Association should be dissolved or otherwise terminated, the assets and income shall be disbursed as follows:
1.) Dues for the current year will be returned to all paid-up members.
2.) The remainder of the money shall be used until exhausted, for the purpose of carrying out the objectives for which this organization was formed.
Section 1. Application for membership shall be made upon the completion of the official application of the Association and must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The MNIAI Division Representative shall review all applications and if necessary, conduct background investigation of applicant qualification for membership and advise the Board of Directors of applicant qualifications or non-qualifications.
Section 2. The application for membership shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer, together with annual dues and assessments in the amount as set forth herein. In case of rejection said amount shall be returned to applicant.
Section 3. Upon the approval and providing that the applicant is in all other respects fully qualified, the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the applicant of his/her acceptance as a member and shall forward a certificate of membership.
Section 1. The annual dues shall be $25.00.
Section 2. The Board of Directors is empowered by majority vote to levy assessments upon the membership when in its judgment the needs of the Association require such action.
Section 3. Any member failing to pay their dues on or before the 31st day of December of the current year is not deemed in good standing. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to notify such member of said fact immediately thereafter, and to remove such member's name from the mailing list of the Association pending the payment of said dues, or reinstatement as provided for hereinafter.
Section 4. In the event a member is suspended for nonpayment of dues as provided for in the preceding section or has otherwise withdrawn their membership while in good standing, they may be reinstated only upon the payment of such money or conditions as may be imposed by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The By-laws of this Association shall be changed only upon approval by a majority vote of the members who are assembled in conference.
Section 1. There shall be an Annual Conference. The President shall determine the dates and place and present it to the Board of Directors or Annual Conference Committee for final approval.
Section 1. The Media Editor shall disseminate to all members at least two times a year an electronic newsletter published on the MNIAI website containing the business of the Association and all other topics of general interest to the membership. The Media Editor, Secretary-Treasurer or Division Webmaster shall publish the information and paid advertisements on the website and disseminate a link to the current membership. The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the Media Editor regarding dates of publication of the e-newsletter. Media published in the e-newsletter on the MNIAI website may also be included in part or in whole on a social media or blog overseen by the MNIAI Board of Directors.
Section 1. Application for membership shall be made upon the completion of the official application of the Association and must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The MNIAI Division Representative shall review all applications and if necessary, conduct background investigation of applicant qualification for membership and advise the Board of Directors of applicant qualifications or non-qualifications.
Section 2. The application for membership shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer, together with annual dues and assessments in the amount as set forth herein. In case of rejection said amount shall be returned to applicant.
Section 3. Upon the approval and providing that the applicant is in all other respects fully qualified, the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the applicant of his/her acceptance as a member and shall forward a certificate of membership.
Section 1. The annual dues shall be $25.00.
Section 2. The Board of Directors is empowered by majority vote to levy assessments upon the membership when in its judgment the needs of the Association require such action.
Section 3. Any member failing to pay their dues on or before the 31st day of December of the current year is not deemed in good standing. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to notify such member of said fact immediately thereafter, and to remove such member's name from the mailing list of the Association pending the payment of said dues, or reinstatement as provided for hereinafter.
Section 4. In the event a member is suspended for nonpayment of dues as provided for in the preceding section or has otherwise withdrawn their membership while in good standing, they may be reinstated only upon the payment of such money or conditions as may be imposed by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The By-laws of this Association shall be changed only upon approval by a majority vote of the members who are assembled in conference.
Section 1. There shall be an Annual Conference. The President shall determine the dates and place and present it to the Board of Directors or Annual Conference Committee for final approval.
Section 1. The Media Editor shall disseminate to all members at least two times a year an electronic newsletter published on the MNIAI website containing the business of the Association and all other topics of general interest to the membership. The Media Editor, Secretary-Treasurer or Division Webmaster shall publish the information and paid advertisements on the website and disseminate a link to the current membership. The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the Media Editor regarding dates of publication of the e-newsletter. Media published in the e-newsletter on the MNIAI website may also be included in part or in whole on a social media or blog overseen by the MNIAI Board of Directors.
(Rev. 09/15/2022)